I like words. I use them everyday, in lots of different ways. I know my way around words because I love them.
And words have been pretty good to me, keeping me employed as an award-winning Copywriter for 30 years.
So obviously I’ve written TV spots, videos, websites, radio spots, print ads, billboards, digital ads, banners, posts etc.
But I never stopped at the job description. I’ve also written poems, half-finished novels, songs, screenplays and even a crappy musical. Much of it on bar napkins.
I’ve written love notes, wedding vows, toasts, eulogies and apologies.
I’ve written resumes, cover letters, letters of resignation and a few letters of explanation. I’ve written To-Do lists, grocery lists and favorite band lists.
I’ve written checks. (I’ve written a lot of checks).
I’ve written newspaper articles, letters to the Editor and letters to my passed-away parents.
I’ve written birthday cards, cartoons and jokes, some even funny.
Recently I even wrote a rap for the lead in Chicago’s “Hamilton” (for a PSA) and a speech for former President Obama. No kidding.
About the only thing I haven’t written is a prescription. (I don’t really want to write from a prison cell, see?)
I love words and it kills me to see them given a bad home. So I’d like to help. I realize that a lot of people dread writing. Hence, WWM, the beer money off-shoot of my freelance copywriting biz.
So give me a call and we’ll decide together if I can be of help.